The URBAN GREEN TRAIN project aims to encourage pioneering business oriented initiatives on Urban Agriculture based on knowledge exchange, mutual cooperation and innovation among SMEs, policy makers and Higher Education Institutions as to meet the global demand for urban green innovation (environmental technologies, eco-friendly products and services, sustainable design and healthy food). The project’s general objective is thus to strengthen the knowledge triangle between Education, Research and Business in the field of urban agriculture and more specifically:

  • To raise awareness of potential employers and entrepreneurs for enabling the environment for green economy
  • To innovate curricula and learning methods in Higher Education, expanding existing forms of University-Society-Business Cooperation and crossing sectoral, disciplinary and national boundaries
  • To build capacity of youth to create their own business
  • To respond to the EU labour market need of highly qualified and entrepreneurial graduates in this field
  • To increase awareness on the role of new green enterprises in creating more sustainable cities from the side of local governments, consumers and other actors.
URBAN GREEN TRAIN project has been funded with the support of the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.

Here you can watch the video of the project (ENG)
Aqui você pode ver o vídeo final da UGT (POR)
Here you can download the pdf of the BROCHURE OF THE PROJECT