Dept. of Agricultural Sciences DipSA (IT). – Alma Mater Studiorum -University of Bologna
The University of Bologna, Alma Mater Studiorum, (Unibo) is one of the most important institutions of higher education across Europe. Unibo offers a vast array of programmes, both at the first, second and third cycle of studies and is fully committed to the implementation of the Bologna process action lines. The Department of Agricultural Sciences (DipSA) provides state wide leadership in research, teaching and extension in the subjects of horticulture, crop production, sustainable agricultural systems and environment and applied plant ecology.
DipSA has a world leading experience in the area of urban farming in Europe and in developing countries especially in the development of sustainable small scale horticultural cropping systems.
In 2009 DipSA organized the 2nd Int. Conference on Landscape and Urban Horticulture, focused on the relationship “People – Plants - Quality of Life”.
The Research Centre in Urban Environment for Agriculture and Biodiversity (ResCUE- AB) was created in the Dept. of Agricultural Sciences in 2013 with the aim to turn the city into a widespread ecological-laboratory that connects the different experiences of agriculture and urban ecology for a better urban environment. The ResCUE-AB main activities include:
Promotion of Urban Agriculture (UA) studies and researches on socially sustainable ecosystems including soilless crops, agro-ecology and biodiversity in urban environment.
Organization of training opportunities, conferences, seminars and meetings
Coordination of innovative and viable UA grassroot initiatives involving multiple stakeholders (governamental and nongovernamental actors, civil society and SMEs)
Support to the definition and implementation of policies and programmes at local, regional, national, and international level
Web site: person: Dr. Francesco Orsini